• Lenders social and environmental advisory in Baltic Power Project, first Polish offshore wind farm, owned by Orlen and Northland, co-financed by group of 25 IFI’s, including the European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the export credit agencies EDC (Export Development Canada), EIFO (Export and Investment Fund of Denmark) and Germany’s Euler Hermes as well international and local commercial banks.
  • Advisory project – permitting and environmental impact assessment strategy of floating offshore wind, variant schedules and simulations of possible simultaneous operations including marine surveys (SIMOPS), drafts of methodologies, resources and supply chain mapping with an assessment of their availability.
  • Seabed permit application management on all 11 available sites in Polish exclusive economic zone during 2nd round of offshore wind opening.
  • Supporting Investor entering Polish offshore market – Environmental part of seabed permit application (PSZW).
  • Polish offshore wind farms (OWF) market entrance strategy advising.
  • PL OWF site selection, stakeholder analysis with permitting schedule and critical milestones, localization decision consultancy and co-preparation site application (PSZW).
  • Environmental and GIS assessment of sites dedicated to offshore wind farms development in Maritime Spatial Plan.
  • Environmental and permitting offshore wind farm Due Diligence for Northland Power in M&A process (strategic partnership). Scope: Key issue lists, Red flags mapping, Weekly call discussions, Q&A sessions. Ambiens in a role of main permitting expert, cooperating with DD leader, technical, legal, financial advisors and Investor Team.
  • Stakeholder analysis with an offshore wind farm (OWF) communication strategy.
  • Preparation of environmental impact assessment strategy for an FEW Baltic II (acquired by RWE) and offshore wind farm connection infrastructure (offshore part: territorial sea + exclusive economic and land zone).