Last week the wind industry in Poland had its annual celebration. It was a unique event, the Association celebrated its 25th anniversary, the event was held in a new venue, the first time after the change in parliamentary power. The record number of participants gave a great atmosphere, interesting panel discussions and endless backstage talks.

  1. PWEA’s excellent organization and the unprecedented number of participants made the event multi-format. From substantive panels and narrow group meetings to sporting events to a parallel party of incredible scale.
  2. Optimism prevailed, what with more experienced market participants rationally catalyzed by an awareness of further challenges. “It’s good and it’s going to get even better, we just have to work for it and not waste opportunities”, I would say.
  3. In the onshore area, conversations centered around the recently unlocked potential and possible improvements in regulations and the exclusion of key constraints. I welcome the planned updates to industry standards in terms of key components and I am pleased that we can participate in this by contributing a brick of Ambiens experience.
  4. The topic of repowering is starting to resonate louder in behind-the-scenes conversations, which we are leaning into methodically with friendly developers from more experienced markets.
  5. Offshore wind energy next to advanced projects seems to be focused on phase II, where discussions about partnerships, new approaches to permitting, wise use of foreign experience in domestic realities and resources and competences that constantly need to be widely developed dominate.
  6. Between old industry friends, there was a great group of young people. People who are curious, creative and not bound by the limitations of ‘never’, ‘always’, ‘it can’t be done’. There is an important mission in front of these more experienced players in inviting them to work together, taking into account the voice of the new wind generation and further giving way in many areas. Both in design and in the debate where we industry dinosaurs (of which I am one with 15 years of experience) can be a limitation in a dynamic and creative environment.
  7. I was very optimistic about the presence of the heads of the PSE and the GDOŚ, and not only consciously involved in the discussion panels but also available behind the scenes and open to discussion. This is a new approach and very much needed.
  8. To the specific challenges, in addition to those listed by PWEA, I would add the issue of ‘ESG’. The CSRD Directive and ESRS standardizations refer to entities and corporate strategies, while the requirements and expected environmental and social compliance of financial institutions focus on the Project, other emphases and scopes. A separation, but also smart linking, of these areas faces the entire industry. Onshore and offshore in both phases, for public entities on NFRD grounds as early as 2025 reporting for 2024. The most interesting situation concerns partner SPVs.

