Ambiens company is first and foremost people. It is they who, with their hard work, strive to change the world for the better. One such person is Kinga Dobosz – a marine biology consultant, who, despite a long break in the industry, has found her place with us and can fulfill herself professionally.

Bartosz graduated this year with a degree in Physical Geography with Geoinformation at the University of Gdansk. He began his adventure with Ambiens with the day he started his final year of graduate studies. At Ambiens, he supports the ongoing project tasks of the Offshore Team.

Tomek is a graduate of MBA at Oxford Brookes University and has completed the CIMA programme. He has worked for many years in financial management, process design and optimisation in multinational companies, playing an active role in achieving strategic and financial goals, as well as contributing to the development of people at all levels of the organisation.

Monitoring ornitologiczny, prace terenowe oraz analizy ornitologiczne to powszedni chleb Andrzeja Różyckiego. Poznajcie naszego Starszego specjalistę ds. ornitologii. Odsłoni on kulisy swojego fachu oraz opowie czemu gruby ornitolog to słaby ornitolog.

System Informacji Geograficznej (ang. Geographic Information System, GIS): system informacyjny służący do wprowadzania, gromadzenia, przetwarzania oraz wizualizacji danych geograficznych – taką definicję podaje Wikipedia. Co tak naprawdę kryje się za tym pojęciem i jakie są wyzwania GISowca opowiada nam Marcin Gąsior – specjalista ds.