In Poland, environmental research in areas designated for offshore wind farms (OWF) started in 2012. At present, comprehensive knowledge is available on 6 areas of the OWF located in the Polish exclusive economic zone, precisely in the vicinity of the Słupsk Bank and areas to the east of it.
Each of the areas earmarked for an offshore wind farm (OWF) project in the national Maritime Spatial Plans is characterised by a certain area size, distance from the shore, fishing intensity or specific environmental conditions. These aspects, as well as many other variables, greatly influence the cost and difficulty of the project.
The New Year is a time for reflection and resolutions. Ambiens is mainly about people, but today we will focus on numbers. The analysis of Ambiens’ involvement in the past year, as well as in all of its activities to date, comes out very positively.
Environmental impact assessment is one of the key stages in the development of any offshore wind farm. However, today in Poland, for the 11 projects in phase II, it takes on special significance. It is the environmental decision that is to be one of the 3 key passes to the CfD auction, among the 9 required by the Offshore Act.
One of Ambiens’ values is development and learning. We periodically analyze milestones of ongoing projects, question existing practices looking for improvements, and observe the market and study public materials. One of the offshore wind farm projects under development encountered unexpected involvement from opponents, which is a precedent and may generate broader industry conclusions.
Today Michał Kaczerowski, Ambiens CEO, has honour and pleasure to sign an Polish Offshore wind sector deal.
Many thanks and congratulations to Michał Kurtyka and his Team from Ministry of Climate and Environment. Special thanks also to leaders of working groups who faced combining everyday business activities with industry development.
Ambiens, MAG Offshore and Subnea have signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental impact assessments implemented for Offshore projects in Poland and the Baltic Sea basin.
Ambiens, after 13 years of presence in wind energy, opens an office in Gdynia and develops the Offshore team responsible for strategic planning and supervision, permitting and relations with the client and key stakeholders.
Ambiens has joined the Pomeranian Platform for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in the Baltic Sea. It is an initiative bringing together the local government, employers and entrepreneurs cooperating for the development of the industry. As a practitioner and participant of the wind sector for several years, we support key initiatives.
Today we celebrate the international day of the harbour porpoise. It is a marine mammal, the only whale inhabiting the waters of the Baltic Sea. Along with the long-tailed duck, it is one of the key species analysed during environmental impact assessment and offshore wind farm design in Poland.
National Reconstruction Plan (NRP) in Poland is a complex development strategy program after Covid pandemic. It follows the Recovery and Resilience Facility – RRF and lists Energy as one of the main areas. The document approved by the Council of Ministers was sent to the European Commission.