As every year, International Porpoise Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of May. The observance of this Day is one of the elements of the implementation of the Bonn Convention (Journal of Laws 2003, No. 2, item 17) and the resulting ASCOBANS Agreement (ASCOBANS 1992), of which Poland is a signatory.
The preparation for the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Baltic Sea is a lengthy and multi-stage process. The process starts with an application for a location permit and obtaining by the Investor a location decision (PSZW – permit to erect and use artificial islands, structures, and equipment for offshore wind farms (Art.
Ambiens is created by people – a group of individuals who are Amicable Motivated Buoyant Intelligent Energetic Noble-hearted Supportive and aim for the same goals. Among them is Justyna Iwasiuk – an Environmental and Permitting Consultant, who took her first steps at Ambiens as an intern.
We are launching another wind greenfield in the Ambiens portfolio. Our new partner is a company we know very well – Sevivon.
Sevivon, a company owned by WKN GmbH of the PNE AG Group, developed the Jasna 132MW wind farm in the “ready to build” formula, where Ambiens working today on behalf of the Investor Windfarm Poland III / Stadtwerke München is responsible for the implementation of obligations resulting from the environmental decision and communication with the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Gdansk.
We are pleased to announce another new partnership, Enertrag joins Ambiens’ client base.
Enertrag is an independent energy company originating from the German market, and today present in nearly 10 countries. It develops, operates and services its own and outsourced renewable energy sources.
Wind power in Poland has been growing for two decades. The installed capacity of wind farms exceeded a symbolic 100MW in 2005 reaching over 8250MW today (1Q2023). The maturity of the industry and Ambiens’ 15 years of experience covering 3GW, give us a reasonable basis for comprehensive statistical and comparative analyses in the context of the projected and actual environmental impact of wind farms.
We are pleased to announce that we have started cooperation with Cero Generation, a leading specialist in solar energy development, production and storage, operating across Europe.
Cero’s Polish portfolio is expanding with another project.
In the case of this project, one of the first tasks of the Ambiens team was to prepare a Site Assessment report – which presented the methodology of the analyses carried out, a description of the environment of the areas selected by the Client, along with an assessment of the parameters and their impact on the implementation of the planned investment, along with the risks and how to mitigate them.
For 15 years, Ambiens has actively participated in the dialogue between investors, administrations and local communities and environmental groups. One of our goals is to find common denominator for the interests of these groups.
Our knowledge and experience in this area allowed us to successfully complete another project for a confidential client, the final product of which is an annual social and environmental report (ASER) for 2 wind farms located in Poland.
We are happy to announce that Ambiens has just started cooperation with Eolus Poland. Eolus Poland is part of the Eolus Group, one of Scandinavia’s largest developers. Founded in 1990 has constructed approximately 700 wind turbines with a total capacity of 1,500 MW.
Ambiens’ experience from offshore wind and more broadly from 15 years of wind energy activities, also onshore, is valuable and often used in the context of strategic consultancy or when auditing work in progress. Therefore, Ambiens carries out Permitting Advisory activities in offshore wind energy – advice on permitting in the process leading up to a decision on the environmental conditions of a project (DEC).