Ambiens company is first and foremost people. It is they who, with their hard work, strive to change the world for the better. One such person is Kinga Dobosz – a marine biology consultant, who, despite a long break in the industry, has found her place with us and can fulfill herself professionally.

How did your adventure with Ambiens begin?

I started working with the company from March 2022. I was informed about the recruitment by my Professor, under whom I was writing my master’s thesis. I remember that he called me and asked only one question “Kinga do you want to return to the profession?”. Of course, after that phone call I went into a huge rapture and jumped around the office of my then job like crazy (it probably looked quite bizarre, but I didn’t pay attention to it at the time). After I calmed down, I immediately sent my resume to Ambiens. I was very quickly invited to interviews, which were conducted in such a good atmosphere that the stress passed in no time. Further dialogue was simply a pleasure, and let’s agree recruitment is never easy. A few hours after the interview was over, I got a call from Paulina Potyra-Kaczerowska – our vice president – and uttered the magical “Kinga we want you, because we feel you are a good fit for us.” Seemingly an ordinary story of a job change, but for me a huge happiness and realization that after such a long time I would finally return to my dream profession.

You mentioned returning to the profession, what course did you study?

In 2018, I graduated with a degree in Oceanography from the University of Gdansk. I even dreamed about these studies. There was a lot of studying, but it’s not a problem for me, and an internship on a ship or at the marine station on Hel was my world. And despite my internships and great intentions, it’s not a gracious job market, and certainly a few years ago it didn’t need as many specialists as it does now. Currently, on the other hand, the offshore industry is thriving, which my company is well aware of, and despite the fact that I don’t have much experience it has given me a chance to return to the profession, and above all it is helping me become a specialist in the ichthyology that interests me, for which I am extremely grateful

4 years is really quite a gap, what then did you do during that time?

During my studies, I had internships that only deepened my passion for ichthyofauna. My first internship was at the Marine Fisheries Institute in Gdynia, where I mainly worked on ichthyoplankton. I also had the opportunity to be an intern at the Department of Salmonid Fish Farming in Rutki. I also appeared at the Gdynia Aquarium first as an intern and later as a permanent employee. Unfortunately, the good fortune soon ended and I had to look for work in other industries to support myself. In my last semester of college, I started working at the Runner’s Shop as a customer advisor. I spent a really great 3 years there, but it was time for a change and so I came to one of the most prestigious construction companies – Mostostal Warsaw as an assistant director. I worked there for less than a year, until finally my great opportunity at Ambiens came up.

What experiences have given you jobs so different from the learned profession you have?

The Runner’s Shop was a combination of work and my hobby, which is running. Having access to professional equipment that I could test and review helped me a lot in my daily workouts. In addition, of course, the subject matter knowledge that the team has is really great, also I was able to learn a lot and then translate that to my customers. In the store I really met a lot of fantastic people, with whom I am still in contact today, I also learned how to work in a larger team and most simply to talk to people.
As for Mostostal Warsaw, it was a completely different tale. I didn’t have as much turnover of people as I did in the store, when clients were constantly changing, but I organized the office life of the regular employees: business trips, clearing invoices, keeping records of documentation, all these were my duties. This position taught me office savvy, how to coordinate many tasks concerning practically every person in the company. I certainly gained a lot of valuable experience from the above jobs, which are useful to me now. I always tried to approach the goals set for me in a positive way, so I felt comfortable everywhere I went. I certainly took with me a huge baggage of good memories.

Was it difficult to return to the coveted profession after such a long break?

For sure! I was very afraid that I wouldn’t remember anything from my studies anymore and would disappoint my employers, after all, so many years had passed. However, it turned out that my stress was unfounded. In Gdynia, where Ambiens has its branch, I have great support from my team, and of course from the headquarters in Warsaw, I can also count on help. This company really focuses on the people and the almost family atmosphere in the workplace. It is equally focused on making the team grow and deepen their work experience. All you have to do is want it, and the rest will go by itself.

What do you do at Ambiens?

I am currently working as a consultant for the marine biology, what does this mean in practice? I will try to explain briefly. I am involved in consulting in the RES industry in the broadest sense. At first, I prepared applications for location permits for the construction of offshore wind farms in Polish maritime areas. This task prepared me for the bigger challenge of preparing an environmental impact report for the project. Before such a report can be created, environmental inventory studies must be conducted, in which the methodologies and timing of the studies are key, something I am currently exploring. In addition, it is necessary to constantly keep abreast of the latest studies and articles in order to be able to most reliably assess the environmental impact of an investment and propose possible measures to mitigate negative impacts. This work is a constant development and expansion of knowledge, it is extremely interesting, the head must constantly work. By delving into the literature on the subject, I can focus on the parameters that interest me the most, namely ichthyofauna. Thanks to Ambiens, my love for ichthyology has returned again, and I know that this is the direction I want to pursue. In the future, I want to become a specialist and perform environmental studies, but also to make such reports and determine the real impact on fish.

Dream job found, but not by work alone man lives, tell me what gives you the strength to act, how do you like to spend your free time?

There are many such things, of course. In my free time I run, but I also go to the pool or train at home, it allows me to calm my head. Long walks are also among my favorite activities, the kind with 15/20 km each, where I put on my headphones and the world doesn’t matter. When I want to spend time less actively I read books, and in wholesale quantities, mostly detective stories (Harlan Coben is my beloved writer). Well, and travel, I love to explore new places and learn about different cultures. I try to go away as often as possible to see as much as I can.

Speaking of sightseeing, where would you rather spend your time more in the mountains or by the sea?

Definitely the sea! There is a reason why I live 500 kilometers from my family (I come from Czestochowa). I noticed that living by the sea puts me in a state of inner peace and gives me a lot of joy. I visit the mountains occasionally to see something new 🙂
