The Partners in the offshore wind market have completed an advisory project for an OWF in the Baltic Sea. A key task was a permitting strategy that included an environmental impact assessment, taking into account the status of remaining milestones in the early stages of development. The report indicates ways of implementation and risk management.

Variant schedules and simulations of possible simultaneous operations including surveys (SIMOPS) were analyzed. Additionally drafts of current methodologies of marine environment research were drawn up, considering elements of previous domestic practices and latest international experience. At the same time, the necessary resources and supply chain were mapped with an assessment of their availability.

Permitting strategy, it’s implementation and periodical evaluation are the key to effective development – Michał Kaczerowski, AMBIENS CEO.

Our different experiences provide unique competencies that we successfully want to continue to use to support the development of the industry. – Pawel Weiner, MAG Offshore CEO

